Isaac Donado (P) + Natalie Williamson (VP)

Dear LMU Community,

We, Isaac Donado and Natalie Williamson, are excited to announce our candidacy to be your next ASLMU President and Vice President. With a shared passion for leadership, community service, and student advocacy, we are committed to making LMU a more inclusive, sustainable, and engaged campus for all. Isaac, a sophomore double-majoring in Political Science and Journalism, has been deeply involved in student government and public service from a young age. As a high school Class President for three years and later as ASB Executive President, he led fundraising efforts and organized community events to bring students together. At LMU, he was the only freshman elected to the ASLMU Senate, where he authored a resolution addressing campus litter and successfully proposed the addition of waste receptacles to maintain a cleaner environment. His leadership extends beyond campus, he served as the Chairman for the City of Downey’s Youth Commission, interned with Assemblymember Blanca Pacheco. Additionally, Isaac works part-time at JWCH Wesley Health Centers, a nonprofit that serves underrepresented communities in Los Angeles. On campus, he is involved in Phi Alpha Delta, Phi Delta Phi, the Latino Student Union, Crimson Circle and serves as a Student Ambassador and Social Ambassador for LMU. Natalie, a junior Accounting major, has demonstrated a strong commitment to student leadership and financial responsibility. As an ASLMU Senator and a former Student Activity Fee Allocation Board member, she played a crucial role in ensuring funding for student organizations. She has also served as Fundraising Chairperson for Share a Meal and as a Panhellenic Delegate for Pi Beta Phi, promoting philanthropy and student engagement. Beyond campus leadership, Natalie is passionate about sustainability and the outdoors, having worked as a head lifeguard at LMU, a boating safety instructor, and an employee at the Cycling Lion. Her dedication to service is evident in her volunteer work with Habitat for Humanity and Loaves & Fishes Community Services. Together, we bring a diverse skill set and a deep understanding of student needs. If elected, we will advocate for:

Sustainability & Campus Cleanliness – Expanding initiatives to promote responsible waste management and environmental awareness.

Financial Transparency & Student Organization Support – Ensuring fair and accessible funding for clubs and student initiatives.

Mental Health & Wellness – Pushing for increased access to mental health resources and wellness programs.

Community Engagement & Inclusivity – Strengthening student involvement through initiatives that amplify diverse voices and experiences.

James Meza (P) + Karim Malik (VP)

James Meza

My name is James Meza. I am an Accounting Major and Business Law Minor, on track to graduate in 2026. My previous involvements include the LMU Mock Trial Association, where I served as an attorney, and my opening argument led my team to a victory in an invitational event. During my first summer at LMU, I had the wonderful opportunity to intern at one of the top four financial service firms, where I had numerous tasks regarding the oversight of projects that assisted in the function of large publicly traded companies. Since then, I have been part of the Rams Mentorship program that has enhanced the school’s partnership with the Los Angeles Rams, while also providing students mentorship opportunities within the sports industry. Additionally, my experience in KPMG prepared me for task, team-oriented, and goal-oriented work. The deliverable I produced showcased my verbal and leadership skills as I had to adapt and control my presentation even as it was scrutinized by top level management. Furthermore, as part of my work within the Paloma Therapy agency, I volunteered at community resource fairs, providing information about mental health services, including the California Victims of Crime Program through the Victims Compensation Board. My role involves informing individuals about the services and benefits of the program, ensuring that victims of crime understand the resources available to them. I provide this information in both English and Spanish to make it more accessible for people when they go on the application through the Victims Compensation Board website, if they have been affected by a crime in their community. I have participated in various community resource events, such as the Mental Health Resource Fair at El Centro de Pueblo in Silverlake/Echo Park and a resource fair organized by Downtown LA Proud, which specifically focuses on providing resources to the LGBTQ+ community. I believe that it is ASLMU’s job to create a welcoming, progressive environment for all students which is why my campaign has outlined initiatives to increase diversity events and create a home of service to these same communities. I also believe that ASLMU must create more school visibility to offer more competitive and strong students to the professional world. Finally, ASLMU must create a cohesive club, service organization, Greek life, and ASLMU connection through meetings and communication. This is vital to establishing strong events and creating a stronger community.

Karim Malik (VP)

My name is Karim Malik, I am a Junior Management and Leadership major, as well as LMU Honors Program scholar. I am on track to graduate in 2026. Before coming to LMU, I obtained a diploma from the International Baccalaureate Organization (IBO), a rigorous and comprehensive educational program. This was during the years I spent in my mother country of Sudan, which had unfortunately been struggling with a number of political and human rights issues during my time there. My lived experience gives me a unique insight into the pressing issues that ASLMU needs to address, which is why I am running for Vice President alongside my campaign partner James Meza for President. We are both extensively involved in the LMU community. Speaking for myself, I am currently in the Mock Trial Association, which I have been in ever since I was a Freshman. Additionally, I have been in the University Honors Program since my Freshman Year, with my current residence being the Honors House, where I help design events to bring the Honors community together. As for my recent involvements, I joined the Middle Eastern and North African Student Association, and worked my way up to President for the 2025-2026 academic year. I most recently joined the service organization Agapé, where we aim to address issues regarding mental health, and advocate for the subject as a whole. My campaign partner and I feel there are a number of issues, both campus and statewide ASLMU needs to address, and we have contextualized these issues through the pillars of school spirit, visibility, transparency, diversity, and advocacy. These pillars serve as the basis for our campaign platform. We believe ASLMU could do more to promote school spirit on campus, with there being some sound strides made this year. Furthermore, we feel ASLMU could venture outside the university more in order to help bolster LMU visibility, as opposed to bringing the outside world to campus. Moreover, we think that ASLMU could be more open with how it allocates finances so as to not cause a divide between ASLMU and RSOs regarding funding. Additionally, we believe ASLMU could promote the multiculturality of our campus. The final issue we wish to see ASLMU address is that of social justice, however that manifests itself on campus or in the wider city of Los Angeles. By addressing these issues, my campaign partner and I believe the overall strength of ASLMU as an organization will be improved.

D’Anthony Yates (P) + Isla Del Carlo (VP)

D’Anthony Yates

Hello, my name is D’Anthony Yates, and I am a sophomore biology major from Los Angeles, California. I currently serve as the Assistant Executive Producer for the Spirit and Pride Team within ASLMU. On campus, I work as a tour guide and orientation leader, and I also contribute to the Pam Rec Center for Service and Action, assisting in the Food Pantry and coordinating the Special Games. Additionally, I am an active member of the Crimson Circle, the Black Student Union Executive Board, and Brothers of Consciousness, where I mentor young children in our communities and support underserved neighborhoods. Through these experiences, I have remained grounded in the values instilled in us through our Jesuit education. From the moment I stepped foot on this campus, I was welcomed by students and faculty alike and quickly found a sense of home at LMU. This community has given me more than I ever imagined, and in return, I have dedicated myself to serving it in every way possible. One of the most impactful ways I can continue this service is through your support in securing this leadership position. My passion for leadership began at a young age—whether as a team captain encouraging my teammates to reach their full potential, organizing community events to provide hot meals for those in need, or distributing clothing and essential resources to support struggling families. I am committed to ensuring that our clubs and organizations receive the funding necessary to maximize their service efforts, both on campus and in the greater community. Equally important, I want to advocate for the resources that allow students to focus on their education without unnecessary barriers. In an ever-changing world, I know that Isla and I will be steadfast in our support of every student at LMU. Thank you for taking the time to be an engaged member of this campus. Your vote is your voice, and together, we will make sure that every student is heard.

Isla Del Carlo (VP)

Hey Lions! My name is Isla Del Carlo, and I am running to be your 2025-2026 ASLMU Executive Vice President! I am currently a Junior International Relations and Sociology double major, and your current Executive Producer of Special Events for ASLMU. Outside of ASLMU, I work on campus as a tour guide, DEI assistant, and LGBTSS assistant. I am also a member of Kappa Alpha Theta and am honored to have spent last year as their philanthropy director. I have spent my time at LMU trying to reach as many corners of this campus as possible, and I have come to truly know and care for this community beyond all of our flaws and successes. I have been given the opportunity to create change and explore where we can expand our efforts. While there are so many parts of LMU I will dedicate myself to, I am especially committed to ensuring that students have access to our leaders and can make their voices heard with ease. Every student should feel seen on campus and be able to have a space where they can express their needs and concerns. As fully as I love this university, I am not ignorant to the fact that we are not perfect, and I will spend the next year making changes that support every member of this community. Transparency and boldness will be cornerstones of this administration, and I commit myself to speaking my mind truthfully on behalf of LMU’s students regardless of any aspect of their identities. Not only are we presented with the opportunity to make an impact on campus, but we are ready to project our voices to a broader community. In an ever- changing world, I know that D’Anthony and I will be a source of unwavering support for each and every student at LMU.

Thank you for taking time to be an active member of this campus. Your vote is your voice, and we, as students, will be hear